Anything, Anywhere, Anytime – Customer expectations in the digital age

Excerpts from Click Digital Expo presentation in Brisbane, Australia, November 2016.

Mobile & tablet internet browsing outranks desktop – that is today’s reality?  Lessons learned as a consumer are unlearned as a digital consumer.elephant-restrained

In times gone by, life was less complicated:

  • manufacturers manufactured
  • sellers sold
  • buyers bought
  • “any colour you like as long as its Black or White”                Henry Ford

In contemporary times:

  • manufacturers manufacture just in time
  • sellers manage customer relationships
  • consumers can have Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

Digital makes that possible but:

  • digital is only electronic storage & communication
  • IT and the Internet of Things can be the enabler
  • Staff are emotional beings with a hierarchy of needs.

Digital, IT and staff all have a role to play in delivering value to customers, how customers want value delivered.

Getting the balance right is the leadership challenge and the management function.

Missionary or Mercenary?  4 quotes

“Profit as a motivation gets us started.  Value allows us to thrive across generations.” Rod Douglas

“The best-looking model is a financial model” SV Female Founders

“Happiness is a positive cashflow”

“You can’t bank % or clicks unless the clicks are crypto currency”

Revenue is the life blood of an organisation. It makes everything possible including economic growth and jobs.

Digital impacts ability to

  • retain customers in the face of customer choice
  • convert prospects subject to a better customer journey
  • improve frequency
  • improve the value of transactions

Digital disruption is often first apparent through a drop in Revenue.  That’s too late.

Digital allows us to:

  • view the customer journey through a value stream where waste & inefficiency are apparent
  • use lead reporting, business intelligence, forecasting & predictive analysis

Assumptions, Paradigms & Line of Sight

Future of Work and Circular Economy


future reflects the past

  • Reality is less now than ever before

Business models stay the same

  • Reality is Deregulation 1st by Govt now consumer choice
  • Reputation is enough (Toyota, BMW, BP, 4 Banks)
  • Reality is:
    • Customers increasing recognise choice
    • Churn is easier than ever

Mobility makes the:

  • invisible visible
  • impossible possible
    • timely & accurate information where it is needed when it is needed
    • reduces WAITING– a major driver of WASTE
    • reduced paper & storage costs
    • increased ease of retrievability
    • revenue & cashflow
    • value in the value stream – Asset, Environment & Condition Assessment – 3D full colour precise digital duplicates in minutes with accuracy as tight as 100 microns for

Reverse Engineering, Gaming & Virtual Reality

The Market – Anything – Anywhere – Anytime

Global – Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google

  • anywhere there is demand and capacity to pay
  • logistics easier & cheaper than ever before
  • scale & brand

Local   – unbundle global to meet local demand

  • recognition of what is better locally – food
  • economies of scale in local areas through connectivity
  • bespoke services

Evolving – underutilised, deregulated, opportunistic, franchise

  • digital health which:
    • puts the science back into medicine
    • addresses scarcity of Doctors
    • puts the accuracy back into diagnosis
    • reduces cost of diagnostic services


– 1 Day Cricket – Declining Test Crowds, LPs & CD’s,

– Street Directory & GPS, Books & E-Books

– AirBnB, Uber, Webinars


InSight, Mindful, Client Pull


  1. There is an elephant in the Room – digital transformation
  2. Customer may have many parts but each customer is unique
  3. The young elephant’s lessons are unlearned by digital offerings

3 Perspectives in Customer Relationship Management

Customer Centricity Expectations A – A – A
Digital Transformation Choice     Vision along

Value Stream

Cross functional Capability  Loyalty/Churn Automated


Timely & Accurate Information Relationship


‘On Time’ &

‘In Full’

 Digital Return on Investment   

Customers Anything, Anywhere, Anytime, CHOICE, POWER
Owners vision along value stream

lead reports, forecasting, predictive analysis

C Suite business intelligence – from gut to informed choice

Opportunity to up-skill



skills & experience with digital business systems

use the reality of digital in our private lives to add value in our business life

Digital is both an opportunity and a threat

Digital is also how commerce is rapidly evolving globally.  That’s rapidly evolving competition.

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